"FUN TREVEL GAME'S" Game terbaru dari mahasiswa madura

          Good morning, and this time I want to publish the game in the same make my group. The game is called "trevel fun game 'S" in this game we play we give a sense of puzzle game designed to gain insight into the player. Insights obtained from this game is an insight into the nature in Indonesia are often most people in Indonesia are rarely known places where nature in our country, but a lot of famous places alien to foreign countries. Nature is not everything in this game, there are also puzzles historical and cultural monuments.

The initial design of the game like this:

  •  Modus operandi
The way it works can be found on the following points: FigureGambar 
If the appearance of the design and a brief description on Dah certainly imagine such as how the game, sorry have not had time to spread directly on this blog broke again in the game because the modem is not strong load hehehehhehehe

Who have the curiosity to want to Maan game or want to try it, please download it here

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